Thursday, 30 October 2008

10 Grate Corporate Revolution2 Themes for Free

Brian Gardner released the open source themes set Revolution2, A successor to Revolution1. He released it a day before than the expected, As per the plan he announced the release expected on Nov 1st,2008.At the moment, the suite contains 10 themes ready and expected 4 more to be added to it. Following links will take you to demos & downloads of the each themes:

Revolution Code Blue (Demo & Download)

Find all the themes at TechZoomIn

Sunday, 26 October 2008

Great WordPress plug-in to make RSS signatures

Sig2feed is a great WordPress plug-in to make signature or put an text/image advertisement under your feeds. Sig2feed’s primary goal is to provide a simple administration interface to allow the addition of a custom tagline, signature or © copyright message to the WordPress generated RSS feeds. You can add any kind of message, tag, or even images — as long as it can be displayed in an RSS feed, it’s up to you.

Continue Reading

WordPress 2.6.3 Is Out

Today WordPress released yet another patch to WordPress 2.6.2 and called as 2.6.3.Just to overcome a low risk vulnerability of 2.6.2 WordPress dev team added two security fixes to it. You can download a full version of 2.6.3 or just copy them over your 2.6.2 installation.

Patches are here for download:

Continue Reading: TechZoomIn

Tuesday, 14 October 2008

$1500+ Contest @ Blogging Tips by Kevin

It’s been a very long time since we had a competition at Blogging Tips. Not wanting to do it half assed I decided to make it a 7 week long competition where $1,000 in cash will be dished out to 50 bloggers and over $500 in prizes will be up for grabs. Some blogging friends have also kindly donated some prizes to the competition so every wednesday a question or challenge will be posed and a prize will be given to the winner(s).

Cash Prizes - Competition Ends 12pm ET

More info at:Blogging Tips

20 Free Corporate WordPress Themes

These are the 20 Great corporate WordPress themes I came across at Blogsessive.Good collection by Blogsessive. All the themes and downloads are from the respective owner sites and subject to their copyrights. Please visit their authors’ sites, available at the “Info & Download” link, to learn more about each of these themes.
20 Free Corporate WordPress Themes are here

What are Trackbacks and Pingbacks ?

I am dam sure that most of the new Bloggers doesn’t know what are Trackbacks and Pingbacks. They see these words often in blogging but never think of it. These are very important to know as a fresh Blogger. Even these will help in promoting your blogs. So let me take this opportunity to explain you a little bit on those. I don’t want to explain in my own words, so just presenting the modified content from WordPress itself.

Trackbacks: In a nutshell, TrackBack was designed to provide a method of notification between websites: it is a method of person A saying to person B, “This is something you may be interested in.” To do that, person A sends a TrackBack ping to person B.
A better explanation is this:

25 Great WordPress Plugins!

After writing Must install wordpress plug-ins for your new blog! Article, I was searching for some more useful plugins. Those are here for you. Gathered from different sources.
25 Great WordPress Plugins!

Top 10 Tips for New Bloggers

While browsing for some good tips to teach new Bloggers, I came across a wonderful article at Wired by Jorn Barger. Barger, a most experienced Blogger explained his learning’s gained in his 10Yrs Blogging experience. Here is a list of top 10 tips for new Bloggers:

  1. A true weblog is a log of all the URLs you want to save or share. (So is actually better for blogging than
  2. You can certainly include links to your original thoughts, posted elsewhere … but if you have more original posts than links, you probably need to learn some humility.
  3. If you spend a little time searching before you post, you can probably find your idea well articulated elsewhere already.
  4. Being truly yourself is always hipper than suppressing a link just because it’s not trendy enough. Your readers need to get to know you.
  5. You can always improve on the author’s own page title, when describing a link. (At least make sure your description is full enough that readers will recognize any pages they’ve already visited, without having to visit them again.)
  6. Always include some adjective describing your own reaction to the linked page (great, useful, imaginative, clever, etc.)
  7. Credit the source that led you to it, so your readers have the option of “moving upstream.”
    Warn about “gotchas” — weird formatting, multipage stories, extra-long files, etc. Don’t camouflage the main link among unneeded (or poorly labeled) auxiliary links.
  8. Pick some favorite authors or celebrities and create a Google News feed that tracks new mentions of them, so other fans can follow them via your weblog.
  9. Re-post your favorite links from time to time, for people who missed them the first time.
  10. So make use of these tips to get success.

Thanks to Wired and Jorn Barger. Happy Blogging!


Saturday, 11 October 2008

Stop Monitoring your Blog!

I received questions from many of my readers asking how many page views TZI getting and why am not placing ads. So I am taking this opportunity to answer all my readers’ questions and go guide them.
I would say my title (Stop Monitoring your Blog!) is 100% correct. Yes, in order to get success in blogging first you have to stop monitoring your blog and thinking about revenue from it. Just concentrate on:

  1. Improving your blog
  2. Keep up to date
  3. Content is king
  4. Try to become master in blogging
  5. Don’t loose patience and grip

All ways you have to think about only these 5 things. You may want to ask when to think about revenue? I know most of the people will blog for money, Ofcourse including me. But before to that your blog should stand on top. If you able to overcome this situation, you will get fame and money with in no time.


Friday, 10 October 2008

Adsense:Site maintenance on Saturday, Oct 11

You won’t be able to access your Adsense a/c in between 10am to 2pm PDT on this Saturday. Don’t be panic your ad clicks will be counted even though. Adsense team provided some details about this.

Our engineers will be performing routine site maintenance this Saturday, October 11th from 10am to 2pm PDT. Although you won’t be able to access your account during this time, you’ll still be credited for all valid clicks and impressions. In addition, your ad delivery and targeting won’t be affected by this maintenance period.

Here’s the start time of the maintenance in a few cities, for our international readers:

London - 6pm Saturday
Cairo - 7pm Saturday
Kolkata (India) - 10:30pm Saturday
Jakarta - 12am Sunday
Brisbane - 3am Sunday

Checklist:20 Simple tips for new Bloggers

Before going into deep on blogging and before to forget all my experiences I want to share all my learning’s and experiences with new Bloggers into field. I already wrote an article on Things to know before starting a blog. So after you started your blog, you need to know & follow some basic tips and tricks. Here I will walk you through all those today.

  1. The first thing is decide what all the categories (Blogging, Tech and etc…) are you wanted to cover through your blog.
  2. Choose the correct domain to address your niche
  3. Make good design for your blog (Recommend to take 2 column theme to utilize the space correctly)
  4. Add proper plugin or widgets on sidebars to showcase all your talent.
  5. Place Recent posts, Categories, Most viewed and etc… for getting better page views.
  6. Place subscription form available on home page to get good feed count.
  7. Remind visitors to subscribe by placing subscribe form after each post
  8. Attract visitor by placing Related articles under every post
  9. Close to your visitors by providing a contact form
  10. Comment on fellow Blogs
  11. Participate in link sharing & Banner exchange
  12. Observe other blogs closely to get ideas for innovative articles.
  13. Subscribe to all good blogs under your niche.
  14. Submit blog to your local or country or city communities
  15. Update blog at least 5 days in a week with fresh content addressing current problems, news, tips and etc…
  16. Answer readers questions by responding to comments or contact form requests
  17. Appreciate your commenters to encourage them
  18. Signup to Google Analytics to monitor your visitors landing and from which country visitors are, which language and etc…
  19. Now follow these 9 simple ways to promote your blog for free
  20. Be away from placing ads until your site gets good shape & place on web

Thursday, 9 October 2008

Feedburner feed count fluctuations. Why?

You might have observed your Feed Count showing different digits with in short time. If it is higher than actual we won’t feel much, But all the time it will show only less count than the actual. Have you ever thought about it like why? How to avoid it?
I noticed it very frequently with TechZoomIn and did some research. So today I want to share those.
After observing it I asked Daniel of DBT about this, he told it’s expected and don’t need to worry. Not only he many people told the same, but I couldn’t find the reason and avoiding formulas.
Actually there are two types of subscribers included on that feed count. Those two are Email subscribers and Web based or Online subscribers. Email subscribers are people who requested to deliver your articles by mail service and Web based subscribers are those who subscribed through online services like Mybloglog, My yahoo and etc…
So here Feedburner will act depends on the mail subscribers active on opening your feeds and the online subscribers seeing there accounts. Here mainly the count variation depends on mail subscribers. Darren explained little more on this topic.
How to avoid?
We can’t avoid variation, but we need to work towards increasing the feed count. For this you need attract your mail subscribers to see you content daily. So that Feedburner will count all those readers on your feed count. Feed burner counting only the active mail subscribers that means simply ignoring the people who see your articles very rarely.
Did you ever observed this on your blog?


Take Backup of your Feeds

I came across this problem today. Unfortunately I lost all the feeds from IE7 and now I didn’t remember all those useful sites. So I thought its worth to share with all the blogging people to avoid them to face the same issue.
Make sure to take Backup once in month at least. Here is the process how

  1. Click on the Add button (the star and plus button next to the Favorites Center button — Alt-Z is the keyboard shortcut).
  2. Click on Import and Export in the menu.
  3. In the wizard, select Export Feeds from the list of options and click next.
  4. Select where you’d like the file to be put (by default, it’s called feeds.opml, in your Documents folder)
  5. Finish up the wizard.

Enjoy Blogging!


Thursday, 2 October 2008

FREE advertising for your Blog

You don’t have to surf very many pages to run into an advertisement these days. Almost every search engine you look at contains banner ads. Shouldn’t you be advertising your site this way? Don’t worry; there are many free banner and link advertising services that are willing to advertise your site, if you’re willing to advertise other sites on your page.

This is something like Banner exchange or Link exchange, but you don’t have to find people online to these exchange programs. There are some good mediating sites to mediate between you and some other guy under your niche.
How it works?

  1. Register your self with these campaign sources
  2. Submit your site
  3. You will enter into your admin panel
  4. Take the code given by them and place it in your site
  5. In return they will place your site in some others site
  6. You can view all the stats of this program in your admin panel
  7. You can control where to place your site ads
  8. You can ban your competitors

Sources for the program:

  1. Adgridwork
  2. Reviewback
  3. Adleaf

These are the sites I experienced. There are many other sites like this, just go through Google search to find similar.


Wednesday, 1 October 2008

Why am I asked to enter this code?

Why am I asked to enter this code? You must have asked this question yourself some time or the other. The code is to just confirm that you are human and not any automated program or spam. Yes, this code will keep spammers away from submitting your web form; it will protect your forum, blog, guest book, etc…
Technically this concept is called CAPTCHA (A CAPTCHA is a type of challenge-response test used in computing to ensure that the response is not generated by a computer). Ok this is all we can imagine by seeing that code image or questions like 2+2=? OR is fire Hot or Cold?
The reason behind why I took this topic is: We all will agree to fight against spam and we cooperate for that. But here people are taking this too serious and keeping multiple code images to enter before submitting or registering. Today one of my friends tried to register to and failed 7 times to satisfy that CAPTCHA code. He called me and asked hey Lax is this twitter working or down. We can’t blame him because after seeing that screenshot sent by him even you will feel the same.
Initially sites used to place single word to enter, but recently they advanced it to 2 words like as twitter asking. See the image above asked by Twitter. Hope this won’t advance more in future.